

Senator Portman visits Pennex

U.S. Senator Rob Portman visited Pennex Aluminum Company, a subsidiary of Metal Exchange Corporation, to meet with company leadership, tour their facilities and hold a town hall with its employees.

Red Cross Heroes

MEC is a proud sponsor of the 2016 American Red Cross Heroes Breakfast, which recognizes remarkable people who acted courageously out of the pure compassion of their heart.

Support for Cancer Charities

CEO Mike Lefton, who also serves as President of the St. Louis Men’s Group Against Cancer (STLMGAC), helped to announce this year’s STLMGAC grant recipients  

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Metal Exchange Corporation was honored to be named the Big Brothers Big Sisters Corporate partner of the Year. Article attached

Electro Cycle obtains Governor’s Safety and Health Award

Kentucky Labor Cabinet Deputy Secretary presents the employees of Electro Cycle, subsidiary of Metal Exchange Corporation, with the Governor’s Safety and Health Award for going more than four years without